Yes, we dated. It was more than 20 years ago. Yes, I may have influenced her career by appointing her to two state commissions when I was Assembly speaker.
Sherrills Getting A Little Behind In Her Workshop
Now you know where we get these people from. Somehow Harris, who was in her late 20s or at most 30 when she dated the 60-year-old married Brown around 1994 did so because he was just so very irresistable. Here's how the San Francisco Chronicle reported it on Twitter:
WILLIE BROWN: 'I’ve been peppered with calls from the national media about my 'relationship' with Kamala Harris, particularly since it became obvious that she was going to run for president. Yes, we dated.'
— San Francisco Chronicle (@sfchronicle) January 26, 2019
That of course, was in exchange for certain kinds of favors. Her rival, Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren got her start playing fake Indian. Kamala went the old fashioned way, sleeping her way to the top. Democrats have some pool of candidates here in this 'it's our turn' year of the woman and out to Get Trump offerings.
Willie Brown, of course, was California's most powerful politician, which might have had something to do with why Harris was out 'dating' the married man twice her age. And it's interesting because Brown, a former attorney for pimps in his pre-political days, seems to have a taste for the kind of women often seen in a positive light by pimps, such as this one - who represents Brown's taste in women. Not that it mattered that he was married, he's always had a girlfriend in the picture, according to the article. And well, Kamala was one of them.

Sherrills Getting A Little Behind In Her Workbook
Other reports say that once Kamala got the office she wanted from Brown, she dumped him. Brown made a cutesy reference to Kamala saying she was going to ticket him for jaywalking, which sounds like overkill, probably the kind of statement someone with a guilty conscience would make, not wanting anyone to know about how she got her office. What's more, Harris has kept virtually all references to Brown out of her numerous memoirs on the market.
Kamala Harris, that vaunted self-righteous feminist candidate who's using her 'year of the woman' chops to challenge President Trump in 2020, has a little problem: She slept her way to the top. Her older brother, Stanley, who played hockey for Franklin until he graduated in 2017, and her father, Stan, built an ice rink in their Franklin backyard during past winters. “My little self. Jul 31, 2018 If there’s one thing that relationships are notorious for, it’s a lot of work. Telling someone how you feel and wearing your heart on your sleeve is intimidating the first time around, let alone the second. Use our tips, tricks and professional advice above to win her back for good.
Some feminist she is. She slept her way to the top and now it's out. It's actually not the first time it's been out, but since it's coming out now so early in the campaign, perhaps it was an inoculation shot, the way that candidate Donald Trump's team must have released the Melania Trump nude modelling shots to the New York Post to make it 'old news' so as to assure it would not become a campaign issue the day before the election.
Sherrills Getting A Little Behind In Her Works
All the same, it's disgusting, and while Trump is no angel on the love front, at least he never offered sex for political favors, either to women or from women. He never cheated on someone's spouse to get himself some political power the way she did. So now that Harris is presented as a role model and antidote-to-Trump these days, is she going to encourage all the little girls out there by saying that getting a politically strong boyfriend is the way to make it big in politics now? One wonders.

Let's hope she has to answer some questions about it from the Trump camp in what's sure to be a pious and hectoring political campaign.

Image credit: Twitter screen shot from the San Francisco Chronicle.