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Emacs support for reStructuredText is implemented as an Emacs majormode (rst-mode) provided by the rst.elEmacs package.
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Unfortunately, Emacs’ built-in PDF viewer is slow, memory intensive, and read-only. An alternative, pdf-tools, is fast and has read/write support for in-PDF annotations in Emacs. The only snag is that you can’t install pdf-tools like a normal package. It has many dependencies which vary by operating system and local set-up. The source code is there, the documentation is there and they’re both easily available right from Emacs. There’s no need to be online or to go to an external site. Wilson also calls out the advantages of Emacs’ keyboard-based UI. Installing emacs Emacs is installed by default on most linux machines and on Macs, but it may not be the most recent version. To get the most out of emacs, you should be running an up-to-date version, certainly at least version 24.4. If you use a Mac, you should install the latest emacs from Emacs for OSX.
Emacs distributions contain rst.el since version V23.1. However,a significantly updated version of rst.el is contained in EmacsV24.3. This document describes the version of rst.el contained inEmacs V24.3 and later versions. This version of rst.el has theinternal version V1.4.1.
If you have Emacs V24.3 or later you do not need to install anythingto get reST support. If you have an Emacs between V23.1 and V24.2 youmay use the version of rst.el installed with Emacs or install amore recent one locally (recommended). In other cases you need toinstall rst.ellocally to get reST support.
Checking situation
Here are some steps to check your situation:
In Emacs switch to an empty buffer and try
If this works you have rst.el installed somewhere. You can seethat it works if you find a string ReST in Emacs' modeline ofthe current buffer. If this doesn't work you need to installrst.el yourself locally.
In the buffer you just switched to rst-mode try
If this fails you have a version of rst.el older thanV1.1.0. Either you have an old rst.el locally or you are usingan Emacs between V23.1 and V24.2. In this case it is recommendedthat you install a more recent version of rst.ellocally.
You may also try
to find out your Emacs version.
Check the version of rst.el
The content of rst-version gives you the internal version ofrst.el. The version contained in Emacs V24.3 and described hereis V1.4.0. If you have an older version you may or may not installa more recent version of rst.ellocally.
Local installation
If you decided to install locally please follow these steps.
Download rst.el
Download the most recent published version of rst.el fromhttp://sourceforge.net/p/docutils/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/docutils/tools/editors/emacs/rst.el
Put rst.el to a directory in load-path
If in the resulting list you find a directory in your homedirectory put rst.el in this directory.
Make sure the directory is one of the first entries inload-path. Otherwise a version of rst.el which came withEmacs may be found before your local version.
In Emacs see the info node Init File Examples for moreinformation on how to set up your Emacs initializationmachinery. Try
Enable rst-mode
Add the following to your Emacs initialization setup
After you restarted Emacsrst.el is loaded and ready to beused.
Switching rst-mode on
By default rst-mode is switched on for files ending in .rst or.rest. If in a buffer you want to switch rst-mode on manuallyuse
If you want to use rst-mode in files with other extensions modifyauto-mode-alist to automatically turn it on whenever you visitreStructuredText documents:
Put the extensions you want in the correct place in the exampleabove. Add more lines if needed.
If have local variables enabled (try C-h v enable-local-variablesto find out), you can also add the following at the top of yourdocuments to trigger rst-mode:
Or this at the end of your documents:

Emacs is a excellent tool for file management. For example, list files, copy/delete, rename, moving files, create/delete directory. Once you become familiar with it, you almost never go to shell or the OS desktop for these tasks.
“dired” is short for Directory Edit. It is a old term for file management.
Is There An Up To Date Build Of Emacs For Mac Os

Is There An Up To Date Build Of Emacs For Mac Os
{Copy, Delete, Rename} File
To start viewing directory, Alt+xdired
When in dired, most commands have a single letter key.
Here's the most useful commands:
【Enter】- Open the file or directory.
【q】- Done. Display last buffer. (call
if you actually want to close it.) dired-do-copy
【C】- Copy file
【R】- Rename/move file
【D】- Delete file or directory
【+】- Create new dir
【Z】- Compress/decompress the file by gzip
Mark/Unmark Multiple Files
Sometimes you want to copy or delete many files. You can mark the files, then apply a command on all marked files.
Here's basic marking commands:
【m】- Mark a file
【u】- Unmark
【U】- Unmark all marked
【%m】- Mark by pattern (regex)
For example, if you want to mark all HTML files, type %m, then type .html$

- When there are marked files, dired command applies to the marked files.
- When no files are marked, dired command applies to the file under cursor.
Dired Navigation
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Here are other common dired commands:
【g】- Refresh dir listing
【^】- Go to parent dir
【>】- Move cursor to next subdirectory.
【<】- Move cursor to previous subdirectory.
is often used together with shell-command
【Alt+!】 or shell
. [see Emacs: Run Shell in Emacs]
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For complete list of dired commands, Alt+xdescribe-mode
when in dired-mode.
Dired Customization
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