Your visitors also want your site to load quickly, be easy to navigate, and provide them with the information they need to make a decision. When you provide a pleasant user experience through your site design and content, you gain trust from your visitors. Creating and building trust in your business is a slow and steady process. 10 Trust-Building Activities for Teams and Employees in the Workplace. Trust builds stronger, more productive teams and employees. The following activities were suggested by Justin Reynolds of, a website used by more than 1000 companies to engage and develop high-performing teams (2017). Apps are to Wix what plugins are to WordPress; it’s the same thing, so don’t let that confuse you. Since the platform doesn’t offer a ton of “built-in” tools, they use third-party apps to compliment your website building needs. Their apps are incredibly popular, so popular that people install over 16 million apps on Wix each year.
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Build Trust on Your Website With Tried & True Methods
The whole purpose of owning a website is usually to sell a product or service. You want to connect with your visitors and convince them to make a purchase. The thing about this is that you only have a small window of opportunity to do this. There are a few key elements you can add to your website to add to your credibility and help build trust on your website.
A great way to instantly build trust is visually, by adding guarantee badges on your site. When someone sees that you stand by your product or service, they are more likely to slow down and read more about what you have to offer. Adding a simple, brightly colored guarantee badge on your site will instantly get visitors’ attention. The color of choice is usually golden, because it represents the gold standard, or quality.
If you already have satisfied customers who have already used your product or service, and they are extremely happy with it, they’ll be more than willing to offer a testimonial for your website. Usually websites will show a thumbnail photo, followed by a bold text testimonial about your wonderful products or services. People like to see that others have tried what you have to offer and have found success. Also, people hate to be the first one to stick their neck out there and try something. When they see that others are trying it and loving it, they’re more likely to jump right in.
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Security Logos
4 Trust Building Apps For Your Websites
This is especially true for websites asking for a payment directly on their site. If you are selling products on your website, it is imperative that you have some sort of security badge on your site. Anytime payments and money exchanges are involved on a website, visitors want to know their information is secure. Many people simply use Paypal, because it is a secure way to accept payments that people already trust. Using Security logos on your site will give visitors the confidence to turn their money loose in exchange for your products or services.
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Client Logos
Client logos are great, especially when some of your clients are established businesses. If an established business trusts you enough to allow you to place their logo on your site, visitors are more likely to trust you, too. They’ll see those logos on your site, and know that your products and services are the real deal.
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Using these methods of trust building on your website will increase your conversion rate. Combine these with beautiful web design, and your site will be a success. Visitors will be more likely to buy from you, because you have evidence to back up your claims. Anything you can do to build trust on your website will benefit you substantially. Do you know of some other ways to build trust on your website? If so, feel free to share your tips in the comments section below. Bonus Question: Do these methods make you trust a website more when you are a visitor? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this.